NZTR Racing Update

31 August, 2021
31 August 2021 Tomorrow sees the commencement of racing under Alert Level 3.  The industry will be relying upon those involved to continue to adhere to the prot

NZTR Racing Update

30 August, 2021
30 August 2021 The industry is currently in a holding pattern awaiting 11.59pm on Tuesday, 31 August when the entire country south of Auckland will to move into Aler

NZTR Racing Update

27 August, 2021
As at 8pm Friday 27 August Earlier this afternoon, the New Zealand Government announced that all of New Zealand will remain in Alert Level 4 until 11:59pm Tuesday 31 August

NZTR Racing Update

26 August, 2021
As at 3pm Thursday August 26 NZTR is working on contingency plans in the event that the four thoroughbred meetings scheduled for this weekend are unable to be staged.

NZTR Racing Update - Preparing for Level 3

25 August, 2021
As at Wednesday 25 August 2:00pm New Zealand is currently still in Alert Level 4, during which time no race meetings, trials or jumpouts can take place. Howe

NZTR COVID-19 Racing Update

24 August, 2021
As at Tuesday 24 August 3:30pm As mentioned in previous updates, New Zealand racing is at this stage set to resume on Saturday 28 August. On Saturday, the scheduled

NZTR Racing Update

23 August, 2021
As at Monday 23 August 5:30pm Earlier this afternoon, the Government announced that Auckland will remain in Alert Level 4 until at least 11:59pm Tuesday 31 August and furth

New whip regulations announced by NZTR

20 August, 2021
There is to be less use of the whip in New Zealand Thoroughbred racing. From 1 September 2021, the whip must not be used in consecutive strides of the horse at any stage of the race.

NZTR Weekend Racing Update

20 August, 2021
As at Friday 20 August 4:30pm Earlier this afternoon, the Government announced that Alert Level 4 would be extended nationwide until 11:59pm Tuesday 24 August. Unde

NZTR Weekend Racing Update

19 August, 2021
As at Thursday 19 August 3pm Since March 2020, and as recently as this week, NZTR and the other racing Codes have been lobbying the Government to agree a set of protocols b